
something old is something new.

It all feels so surprisingly new. In a previous life, I sold over a thousand or more items made by me and, towards the end, it just didn't even matter. I was just so tired of making the same thing over and over again. Any joy I had once felt had long gone. Turned out, no amount of money is worth your (crafting, designing, making) mojo. I've taken that lesson and it is the #1 rule for Fields of Honey. I will make only what I love, what I'd wear and what gets me excited. It's not about what sells, but what I would want to buy. And that, that thing that makes this time so different also makes this time more personal.

Phew. So three more pairs of earrings were sold tonight and I gasped and then I cried. The tears just came and went on for a little while.

Urban Resort

Private Collection

and Palace Hall

will be heading out soon.

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About Me

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Anjali. Married 8 years. Oakland Resident. First time Mom to toddler from Korea. And an Earring Designer.